Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Cut Medicaid, but Don't Cut Our Health Plan!

A week ago, the AP reported that the Missouri House narrowly voted down a proposed amendment to one of the budget bills, to cut $281,602 from the state health insurance budget, with the intent of making legislators themselves feel the pain that poor Missourians are experiencing as a result of Medicaid cuts. The Springfield News-Leader has the rundown of who voted how.


"The 75-78 roll call by which the Missouri House defeated an amendment Wednesday that was intended to reduce state subsidies for the health care plans of elected officials.

"On this vote, a 'yes' vote was a vote to approve the amendment and a 'no' vote was a vote to defeat it.

"Voting 'yes' were 19 Republicans and 56 Democrats.

"Voting 'no' were 73 Republicans and five Democrats.

"Not voting were five Republicans and four Democrats."

Of those five Democrats voting no....


Mike Daus
Rodney Hubbard
Tom Villa

I have a great deal of respect for both Mike Daus and Tom Villa. I don't know much about Hubbard besides his feuds with the Ford family of the 5th ward, but he's certainly an important player, as vice-chair of the Special Committee on Urban Issues.

In any event, I can't really understand - when so many people in the City of St. Louis will be hurt by the Medicaid cuts - why three of our representatives would vote against sending the message that "we understand how hard it is to keep up with healthcare costs", etc.

While I realize none of them are from wealthy backgrounds, and may rely on the state health insurance for their families, it would be a nice message to send.

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