Thursday, October 13, 2005

RFT Picks... Me!

RFT Picks... Me!

I guess I'm moving up in the world.

Somehow, someway, the Riverfront Times picked this blog as "Local Blog O' The Week" in yesterday's issue.

I think this is an honor.. although given the surreal company this blog is now keeping, I'm not 100% certain. Then again, I pretty much agree with many of the politically-oriented posts made by "AngryBlackBitch." And even if I don't, they're often hilarious!

Anyway, thanks RFT!

By the way, teaching Urban Politics and Administration at WashU is not the only thing I do there; although it is one of my favorite jobs. I'm a cash-strapped graduate student, so I also TA for African-American Politics, take a few classes, and work in a computer lab.

Now, I'm back to my current scanning job for class.

1 comment:

Michael R. Allen said...


They got this one right, anyway.